List of cities
Available parameters:
find : varchar : part of city title.
List of Routes
Available parameters:
find : varchar : city title.
id : int : route ID. If this is set, then you will receive also price information
date : date in format YYYY-MM-DD : this works only if ID is set. Will find price information for exact day and return it as price param
Price for route
Required parameters:
from : varchar : city title.
to : varchar : city title.
datetime : date and time of pickup in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Create reservation shedule/save
Required parameters:
from : date and time of period start in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
till : date and time of period end in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
client : varchar : client name and surname
telnr : varchar : client phone number
price : double : price of transfer
place_from : varchar : place to pick up client
place_to : varchar : place where to transfer client
Available parameters:
flightNr : varchar : flight number
flightTime : varchar : flight time in format 23:59
passengers : int: passenger count
comment : text : comment available for driver in free form. If comment first line is in format "email+space+[+language+]", for example " [en]", application will use it for integrated email sending in GUI.
comment2 : text : company comment in free form. If comment first line is in format "email+space+[+language+]", for example " [en]", application will use it for integrated email sending in GUI.
childs : int: child count
luggage : int: luggage count
paid : double (8.2): paid sum
paidWith : varchar: paid by (paypal, stripe, paysera, etc)
payDoc : varchar: transaction ID
payDate : datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS): transaction date and time
color : varchar: hex with hash prefix (#000, #fff, #888, ...) or html color (red, black, yellow, ...)
securityKey : varchar: unique site-side generated random varchar to request booking data later
Update reservation payment info
Required parameters:
setPaymentForID : int : existing reservation ID*.
Available parameters:
paid : float : paid amount, for example 1.00
paidWith : varchar : type of payment, like 'strype', 'paysera', etc.
payDoc : varchar : payment ID from payment aggregator
datetime : datetime in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS : timestamp of payment
onlyOne : 0 or 1 : update only one rezervation, not all **
* notice, that this API endpoint will search for all linked bookings and save this info for all of them. Except for "paid" field - it will be divided evenly to all linked bookings **.
** Example, without "onlyOne" param set - You have two linked bookings #22 and #23. By requesting endpoint ...shedule/save&setPaymentForID=22&paid=10&paidWith=revolut both #22 and #23 will be updated with "paid with" field as "revolut" and field "paid sum" will be 5 in both bookings ( 10 / 2= 5 )
Update reservation field
Required parameters:
ID : int : existing reservation ID.
Available parameters:
autoEmailSent : 0 or 1 : default 0, can be set 1 to know that automatic email is sent to client
Get reservation info
Required parameters:
ID : int : existing reservation ID.
securityKey : varchar : site-side generated varchar in moment of booking creation