List of rooms
Available parameters:
type : single, twin, lux, ... : rooms by type, without this parameter - all models will be returned including accessories.
size : integer : count of berth in room
order : size,type,price : default ordering is by price, set this parameter to sort by another variable.
Required parameters:
Available parameters
Rooms free for rent in time period
Required parameters:
from : datetime in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS : period start date and time
till : datetime in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS : period end date and time
Available parameters:
Create reservation
Required parameters:
rez_from_date : date in format YYYY-MM-DD : period start
rez_from_time : time in format HH:MM:SS : period start
rez_to_date : date in format YYYY-MM-DD : period end
rez_to_time : time in format HH:MM:SS : period end
rez_client : client name and surname
rez_telnr : client phone number
rez_price : price per day
rez_currency: EUR, USD, etc : currency
rez_room : room ID
Available parameters:
priceIsFull : 0,1 : if this parameter is set to 1 - parameter price will be taken as price per perod, not per day
gender : male, female : gender
email : email
country : country
address : client address
reservedFrom : : reservation made from
breakfast : int : breakfast count to all rental period
rez_comment : comment in free form. If comment first line is in format "email+space+[+language+]", for example " [en]", application will use it for integrated email sending in GUI.
client_count: int : guest count for reservation in room