All models available for rental
Available parameters:
type : light, bus, plus, lightAndBus : models by type, without this parameter - all models will be returned including accessories.
code : **** : model type code, as saved from GUI.
all : - : by default models without images will not be returned, set this parameter to get models also without pictures.
order : position, price, price15, price30, made, model, code, year, doors, seats : default ordering is by price, set this parameter to sort by another variable.
Cars available for rental
Available parameters:
type : light, bus, plus, lightAndBus : cars by type, without this parameter - all models will be returned including accessories.
code : *** : model type code, as saved from GUI.
all : - : by default models without images will not be returned, set this parameter to get models also without pictures.
order : position, price, price15, price30, made, model, code, year, doors, seats : default ordering is by price, set this parameter to sort by another variable.
colorName : *** : color name, for example: black, white, brown... (all color list available in GUI)
colorCode : *** : color hex code, for example 000000, FFFFFF, 663300... (all color list available in GUI)
! Difference of this method and previous carList method is: this return car ID, not car model ID (usable below for other methods) and can return several cars of one model if available.
Cars available for rental in given period of time (with prices)
Required parameters:
from : date and time of period start in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
till : date and time of period end in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Available parameters:
type : light, bus, plus, lightAndBus : cars by type, without this parameter - all models will be returned including accessories.
code : **** : model type code, as saved from GUI.
all : - : by default models without images will not be returned, set this parameter to get models also without pictures.
anyState : - : with this param all cars - also booked will be returned
order : position, price, price15, price30, made, model, code, year, doors, seats : default ordering is by price, set this parameter to sort by another variable.
Car data request
Required parameters:
carID : car ID, returned by method carList
Car image request
Required parameters:
img: integer : number returned in requests as img or image
Available parameters:
x : 35, 50, 75, 90, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000 : by setting this parameter, image will be resized to this width in pixels;
y : 35, 50, 75, 90, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000 :by setting this parameter, image will be resized to this height in pixels;
xy : 35, 50, 75, 90, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000 : by setting this parameter, image will be resized to this maximum width/height in pixels;
Required parameters:
tag: variable
Create reservation
Required parameters:
from : date and time of period start in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
till : date and time of period end in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
client : client name and surname
phone : client phone number
price : price per day
carID : car (not model) ID
place_from : place to delivery car for client
place_to : place where client will give car back
Available parameters:
editID : previosly created rezervation ID
priceIsFull : 0,1 : if this parameter is set to 1 - parameter price will be taken as price per perod, not per day
paid_date : YYYY-MM-DD : payment date
paid_with : payment type (usually paypal or FirstData )
paid_doc : transaction number
comment : comment in free form. If comment first line is in format "email+space+[+language+]", for example " [en]", application will use it for integrated email sending in GUI.
plus[] : price : auxiliary / accessories in free format with price, for example &plus[delivery]=10 (delivery for 10$), this price must be one time fee or already multiplied to days. For example - if you want insurance to be as auxiliary to car rental and to be paid 1$ for every rental day for one week rental period, you need multiply insurance price by days in website side and send it as &plus[insurance]=7
! If request is correct - schedulebull will return rezervation ID
! If request is not correct - error description will be in parameter error
Client database - get client
Required parameters:
telnr : phone number as it is in database
Client database - new client
Required parameters:
new : empty
Available parameters:
vadapl : varchar : driver licence number
pk : varchar : client identity number
name : varchar : client name
surname : varchar : client last name
birthday : YYYY-MM-DD : client birthday
driverSince : YYYY-MM-DD : day, client got driver licence
telnr : varchar : client phone number
adress1 : varchar : client address
telnr : varchar : client phone number
adress1 : varchar : client address
zip : varchar : postal code
pase : varchar : client passport number.
pase : varchar : client passport number.
Client database - update client info
Required parameters:
update : empty
ID : client ID
ID : client ID
Available parameters:
vadapl : varchar : driver licence number
pk : varchar : client identity number
name : varchar : client name
surname : varchar : client last name
birthday : YYYY-MM-DD : client birthday
driverSince : YYYY-MM-DD : day, client got driver licence
telnr : varchar : client phone number
adress1 : varchar : client address
telnr : varchar : client phone number
adress1 : varchar : client address
zip : varchar : postal code
pase : varchar : client passport number.
pase : varchar : client passport number.
Car availability - check when model is available
Required parameters:
model : int : model id
from : YYYY-MM-DD : from
till : YYYY-MM-DD : till
In return there will be json with dates and 0/1 as value. 1 - availabe / 0 - not available
Required parameters:
ID : int : rezervation id
hash : varchar : md5 of string - ID, car ID, creation time. md5($ID.$carID.$createTime); where createTime is YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS GMT +2